CISO Brisbane
Venue Information
Hilton Brisbane
Hilton Brisbane
190 Elizabeth St,
Brisbane City QLD 4000
From more details on how to find the hotel please refer to their website -

Attendees are able to secure their reservations directly with the hotel via their own booking link. Guests will require a valid credit card when making the booking to guarantee the reservation.
Hilton Brisbane Booking Link:
Group Code: GCGIA
The Hotel offers valet parking for $58.00 per car and is subject to availability on the day. We recommend attendees to organise parking through the Wintergarden car park. The car park has direct access to the Hotel and Level 5 Event spaces.
Please use the entry via Elizabeth Street up ramp to access the parking area Elizabeth Street. It's important to note that the car park has a height restriction of 1.85 meters. For detailed parking information, please click here.